Receive your FREE powerpoint video Mini Course today. Within a very short time you will:

  • Learn to recognize angelic signs.
  • ​Learn who your primary guardian angel is and their aspect of life specialties.
  • ​Learn a simple meditation for receiving messages from the angels (no prior meditation experience needed).


What Students Are Saying

“I thoroughly enjoyed Pam’s Angel class, the methods and techniques I learned helped me to tap into Angel energy, recognize it more frequently and have a better understanding of the messages I was receiving. I highly recommend Pam’s classes to anyone who desires to enhance their relationship with the Angels.” 

~ Karen King ~

“Pamela’s Angel class was an invaluable experience not to be missed. From understanding Angels historically to accepting and bringing them into our lives currently, her class provided the opportunity to deepen and guide our relationship with them. Pam brought much wisdom and kindness as she facilitated our group to greater understanding and appreciation of Angels in our lives.” 

~ Jody Norton~

“I took Pam’s class a little over 5 years ago but what I took away from her class has helped me in my prayers. I have been able to self hypnotize and ask for forgiveness, calm and self healing. In class she had a soothing voice that would guide us through our meditation. I’ve called Pam since and she has given me a prayer that I say every night that watches over my special intentions. I recommend it for helping us through these COVID-19 days to help deal with anxiety.”

~ Liz Disador ~

Start having fun with the Angels today!

Privacy Policy / Terms and Conditions Copyright 2021 Pamela Green  
Disclaimer: The information in this course does not serve to dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any techniques as a form of treatment for any medical problems directly or indirectly. The intent is only to offer information of a general nature to help the student in their quest for emotional or spiritual support for their well-being. In the event that you use any of this information for yourself, which is your right, the course author or facilitator assumes no responsibility for your actions.